Saturday 24 March 2018


a: your best piece of creative work before coming to this course, think laterally if you have not done "conventional" art or design work

Making bento with recipe learn from online video is a great way to explore the use of tools and matching of colour. The process also need some sense of creativity and craftsmanship~

b: an image of a great piece of architecture

Place de la Bourse, the symmetrical general outlook with the fancy light gives a elegant  crystal look.  It is one of the most recognizable sights of Bordeaux. Its architect was Ange-Jacques Gabriel. It was built from 1730 to 1775.

c: an original photograph of something beautiful

This is a church in Singapore, I took this photo when I passed by in the afternoon. The sunlight makes the place looks glory and pure. The exposure of the light also makes the building stand out to give it more sense of divine or sanctity.